Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Presence is a word that appears in many social, political, religious and economic contexts and…
De Turck - This article summarizes the presentation of the Water group as given on Wednesday, 20th of March.
Goal: Increasing interaction between students, academics and the environment, stimulating…
Dubourget, Boddupalli, Herce, Brunone, De Turck - A YUPTA of the current ecological message compared with a YUPTA with our solutions.
Boddupalli - A day choc-a-bloc with the planning of our designs. Assembling and dismantling several ideas and…
Brunone - Plastics. Metals and Glassware often dumped in trash, can often be processed to be excellent…
The key question within the Participatory Systems Initiative is ‘how to design systems so human…
The study reported in the paper concerns the experiences of employees whose company aims to change…
It is with such view in mind that my paper considers the projects ‘We want (u) to know’ and…
The fifth stage sees employees starting to communicate with fellow victims of the managerial…
The first stage refers to managers and employees becoming aware of the challenges their…
From the domain of music and neuroscience, Grahn (2009) provides a comprehensive review of the…
William Condon proposed that being able to entrain in time with another person facilitates physical…
In music, timing is very important. If you get the rhythm right, the tune will be recognizable as…
The differences in our rhythmic pulse pull us to each other. This pulling is not operating at a…
Human behaviour is dominated by ‘complex hierarchies of interlocking rhythms’, and in studies…
A comment on my intertwined role as designer and researcher is in place. As designers, my…
In social interaction people perform presence in relation to one another. When meeting a grim face…
Caroline Nevejan - Informal conversation are fundamental to how organizations function. Is it possible to mediate such…
Shelly Tara, Vignesh Ilavarasan - Walby (1997) discusses public patriarchy in the form of segregation and subordination of women…
Shelly Tara, Vignesh Ilavarasan - The rape and murder of a woman call centre employee in Bangalore in 2005 received media attention…
Sjoukje van der Meulen - A wide range of artworks have been created within the new media that can be explained through the…