Here you can find the presentations that our workgroup have exposed.
Collados Carlos, Georgia Sismani, Beatriz Martin de Andres - For the first asigment of the afternoon, we had to form a three person group in order to present…
Beatriz Martin de Andres, Georgia Sismani, Collados Carlos - In this step of the designing process we were asked to look back to nature and find in it solutions…
Georgia Sismani, Beatriz Martin de Andres, Collados Carlos - How can Waste help other groups in their designs...
Georgia Sismani, Beatriz Martin de Andres, Collados Carlos - After the presentation we decided to make our design more decentralised, to fit in the Smart Grid…
Georgia Sismani - Our first approach to solve the city's waste managment problem...
Georgia Sismani, Beatriz Martin de Andres, Collados Carlos - We define the Design Brief.