Day 1 At the beginning of Athens

The solid beginning of Biomimicry course, presence design, introduction

It’s the very beginning of Athens program. I have to say that T.U.Delft has a beautiful campus and thanks for the good sunny weather I had taken some nice pictures. The most fascinating building must be the library who has a green roof covered by grass and a tapered structure inside.

On the first day of Athens course, instead of taking lectures relating to biology or engineering, we had a lecture given by Caroline Nevejan and she talked mainly about some rules and the way to value the results or the trust of the design. Maybe, the aim is to informed that the design of biomimicry is strongly related to society and trust.

Then Prof. Jaco give us a brief introduction about biomimicry and telling us the main task is to find solutions that expand/improve the regenerative capacity of bio-based systems. What surprising me is the examples he gave us as an application of biomimicry such as the case of “dolphin tails” and I was curious about how they find the solution and realize that. The idea about “dolphin tails” is brilliant and I was hoping that I would come out some ideas just as that in the project in the following days.
