Reports on meeting

Reports about visit, lecture or discussion and applies lessons learnt to the Texel case; group work

To build on a collective memory, the visits and lectures are reported about by  the groups (see schedule).  The report should summarize the information about sustainable development gained from the visit or lecture. It discusses its relation to the weekly literature and topic. The report concludes with the group ideas about what the lessons learnt would mean for the Texel case.


  1.   Prepare the visit: know where you go, who will be the guest speaker and understand why (inspired by literature).
  2.   Individuals of the group make copious notes, to share observations, gained knowledge and lessons afterwards. Ask probing questions. If you get reports or other documentation, ask permission to attach that data to the report.
  3.   start drafting the report as soon as possible after the meeting as details will remain fresh only shortly.
  4.   begin the report with detailed information: date, visit/lecture, topic, learning objective. Write an introduction that sets the groundwork for the lessons and observations your group wants to contribute. Explain what your learned during the activity and its experience. jot down the first draft of the report with conclusions your group deems vital to the description of how the meeting went. Conclusions should relate to the weekly topic and should be made relevant to the Texel case.
  5.   Edit down your first draft . Add titles, sub-titles, bullet points, and other organizing elements to help readers navigate your visit report. Double check spelling and punctuation. Be aware that the reader should be able to check facts against your  observations and discussion.
  6.    A report is not a column. Report on facts, gained knowledge and discuss what that may mean for Texel case.


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