Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Presence design requires the involvement of different scientific and design disciplines. This in…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Science and Technology Studies (STS) studies how science and technological innovation affect…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - In complex design trajectories, in which business and political dynamics are at stake, the need to…
Brunone - Group work Today has been really useful! The most important thing that I liked a lot is that we…
James Shirley - Sometimes, integrating ideas from different people, into one single design might be the most…
Chacon - Just one day for the final presentation and still, so many disagreements within groups regarding…
Dubourget - Let’s work on it!
Laure - the day before the final presentation...
Nulli - The fourth day it started continuing the work of the previous day, with the exception of a…
Giacomo - Final rush on technical problems. Good rehearsal on presentations and... Reaching YUTPA and Life…
Koelman - Here we describe the design of a reporting system that increases interaction, exchange of ideas and…
Rákos - The experiences of the second working day
Wang - Conclusion of my second day
Koelman, Wang, Stokhuijzen - Since the primary goal of a faculty building is providing a suitable environment for education and…
Boddupalli - The Introduction to the course, and a few epiphanies about the task at hand.
In the spring of 2010, we published the call to contribute to this special issue on Witnessed…
It has been argued that profiting from certain forms of employee experiences requires a form of…
Developments in the four companies appear to show that at least some employees (non-managers…
The whole face … runs forward, the glance no longer stops anywhere, the mouth never utters a word…
A human face is … spread out … beneath the glance of other human faces, and it takes gladly to…
Through prayer, dialogue, art, and analysis, we therefore must seek “the great infinitesimal…
In the spring of 2008, a mediated therapist treated twenty patients remotely, in a workplace…