Geetha Narayanan has been at the forefront of the developing digital industry in Bangalore, India’s renowned ICT centre for several decades now. Being the founder and director of the Srishti School of Art Design and Technology, she has been developing and implementing programs that blend design thinking, problem, project or place based learning with new digital technologies.
Srishti is a college of Art Design and Technology that provides both undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields of industrial and communication design, experimental media arts, gaming, animation and visual effects. Students of Srishti collaborate with a large variety of partners during their education: with art and design contexts in India and around the globe, with international companies like Nokia and also with people in urban and rural localities to improve social conditions of life. Narayanan is concerned to develop business models that sustain a creative community of students and faculty through the conceptualization, development and implementation of various forms of educational entrepreneurship. Geetha Narayanan is formally trained in mathematics and international education. Currently she is finishing her dissertation “Complexity and System Thinking, Memetics, New Technologies, Learning and Social Change” at Sheffield Hallam University.