Perceiving logic

Space is communication anyway, argues Jansma. It is communication from the designer of the space to the user, but on a non-language level. It is a transferring of meaning and/or seduction.

Architects seduce people, and people seduce architects because they ask for a specific kind of a space, and architects say “okay, this one” and then people are invited to use the space. For Jansma, it is a very authentic communication channel, which doesn’t have another truth behind it.

To illustrate his words Jansma picks up a piece of cardboard with a specific logical 3D pattern. For technicians it is a known pattern. There are even shells, which have this pattern on the outside. The pattern is the result of a mathematical logic. Jansma likes this very much because it is also a pattern that shows complexity, yet it is not chaotic. It has a very clear logic on the top line, which just repeats and then the thing forms. Jansma is very interested in how mathematical logic expresses itself in form. Instead of copying flowers, which are also beautiful, one can use mathematical patterns when making a fence or wallpaper or whatever. Because of the enormous technology power we now have, this can be produced this very easily. A person, who witnesses the pattern, will not see the logic behind it but will experience this logic, and that logic is not always simplicity, on another level Jansma suggests.