Texel Social needs Economy from a sociological perspective is an institution and as such, one is…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Senge introduced the concept of ‘presencing’ as a means to guide organizations to go through…
Giacomo - Serious workout session: getting to technical stuff. But also: how to vanish worries about…
Chin-Lien Chen - brief intro
The study reported in the paper concerns the experiences of employees whose company aims to change…
Globalisation transformed Western conceptions of witnessing and bearing witness to gross violations…
Could ‘silence’, as mentioned in the two projects, be rather a reference to the concept of ‘culture…
Non-managers increasingly behave like independent actors in their company, fully aware of their…
The fifth stage sees employees starting to communicate with fellow victims of the managerial…
Managers start to identify with their (harsh) strategies, and blur the boundary between the…
The third stage refers to the development of new strategies: managers starting to emphasise higher
In the second stage, managers introduce additional discipline and stricter measures to control the…
The first stage refers to managers and employees becoming aware of the challenges their…
A more promising model surfaced recently (Kaufmann and Tödtling 2001; Kaufmann et al. 2009). It is…
In his seminal book Personal Knowledge, Michael Polanyi presented his notion of a tacit dimension…
Trust emerges and is negotiated at the same time. Social structures are built on this process of…
Oni, Ino Paap - Learn how to cooperate in Anymeta. Anymeta is a tool for cooperation. It is designed to work with…
Shelly Tara, Vignesh Ilavarasan - India by and large, with all its diversity, falls into the classic patriarchy social system…
Lipika Bansal - One of the co-researchers during my collaboration with the young women collective in Delhi, shared…
German Marín - How can Nature help us design new and more efficient transport networks
Japan railway map by Slime Mold
Tomás Martín González - Have you thought of having a hierarchy whiten the community to get the objectives developed?