Thalia - Christmas holidays is considered as the best period of the year for giving gifts to our close…
Antonio D'Aquilio - The idea is very simple. Freecycling is when a person passes an item that does not need anymore to…
Stefan H - Restoring ecosystems not only provide environmental benefits, but also economic . Two years ago…
Thalia - During Christmas holidays people tend to become a lot more careless about the environment and the…
Thalia - The first aspects that come to our mind when it is about sustainability are the renewable sources…
Klara Bergman - A couple of days ago a friend shared an article on facebook that caught my eye. The article is…
Landbouw en visserij op Texel Texel is een beroemd schapeneiland. Wist je dat er wel twee en een…
'Echt Texel produkt' is the label for products that are typically Texels. The Association for…
Sector Product melkveehouderij melk kaas yoghurt kwark ijs schapenhouderij…
According to Bert van Ruitenbeek can traditional food contribute to the sustainability of food…
Thalia - Keywords: sustainability, environment, society, economy
Thalia, Stefan H, Dennis - Leisure and Knowledge is an important sub-system responsible to highlight the character of Texel…
Antonio D'Aquilio - A big part of the food that we eat every day has travelled hundreds or thousands of kilometers
Klara Bergman - Listening to the lecture by Roel van Raak about waste management this week, I started to think…
PROBLEM STATEMENT Rely on tourism (trade off : economics vs landscape and cultural heritage…
Texel Social needs Economy from a sociological perspective is an institution and as such, one is…
Lizet, Thijs Schaap, Nadia Remmerswaal, Antonio D'Aquilio - The island of Texel has a very high production of waste compared to the main land, this is caused…
A brief research on the societal water demands on Texel has shown extreme weather caused floods and…
4. The Waddengroup Foundation: quality production and location branding Like agriculture in the UK
Bertien Broekhans - Team research on sustainability should start with doing something out of your comfort zones.
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Currently smart grid technology is developed worldwide. Boulder Colorado, for example, the first…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Presence as a value in Design for Values positions our ‘strive for well-being and survival’ centre
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Presence design requires the involvement of different scientific and design disciplines. This in…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - For over 40 years Elinor Ostrom studied how rural communities in different places in the world…