We generate a level-of-detail data structure in OpenSceneGraph to dynamically show different densities of points, and is loading over the network. With this ~20 Million point cloud, update rates are between 15~60 fps depending on how many points are visible in a certain view. We are optimizing the datastructure to balance frame rate with visual quality. 3D Navigation is done with a SpaceMouse device.
Point Cloud visualizations have nice visual quality, especially under motion and 3D stereo, both of which are used in the VR systems in our group [1].
Please note that these visualizations are inherently difficult for regular video compression algorithms to process without introducing disturbing visual artifacts. Download the wmv file below for a higher-quality impression, or see a static screenshot [3].
[1] visualisation.tudelft.nl/VRVis
[2] ahn.nl/
[3] graphics.tudelft.nl/~gerwin/media/3dtopo/Screenshot_pointcloud.png