On the last stage of our process design, we presented a system to take care of the city waste. To do this we have designed a network that is intelligent and decentralized. Houses, schools, public buildings, stores and so on are spots where waste is produced. We treat each spot as an independent node inside our network and the idea is that each node individually should be able to recycle as much as possible. The trash that cannot be recycled inside a house is taken to the recycling plant. The transport team is in charge of taking our garbage to this plant.
The solution for the street garbage is based on presence design: sweepers are in charge of keeping the streets and playground safe, and they offer a sense of security to the kids playing there.
As for factories, there should be some regulation enforced by law to recycle and reuse as much as possible. For example, the carpet factory we visited on Tuesday gave to charity deficient samples of carpets, and invested money and energy in finding was for reusing their own materials.