Reciprocity and granularity in each dimension

Notions of embodied knowledge and authenticity are challenged. System participation has opened up a new range of possibilities to act and to be witness to each other. Configurations of time, place, action and specific relations in which people engage, define whether and how people trust each other and the structures and systems they are part of. Witnessing is specific to the witness. Dialogue and transaction are fundamental to Witnessed Presence. Reciprocity and granularity in each dimension and between dimensions contribute to building trust.

Further research will study how trade-offs for presence and trust in specific configurations are established. Given the outcome of this study that being witness and bearing witness has acquired new dynamics, future research will explore whether and how specific actions in specific relations require specific time and a specific place design, reciprocity and/or granularity.

Secondly, further research explores how the identified dynamics for trust contribute to values of systems design: autonomy, transparency, identify-ability and trace-ability. These values, identified in an interdisciplinary study between Law and Computer Science, focus on human agency in relation to intelligent distributed systems (Brazier et al. 2004).

Future research will focus on the dialogue of the inner witness of human beings and their mental models. Currently, 12 artists are making work to answer the question ‘What happens when one witnesses another?’ The effect of dramatization and imagination as part of the human being’s survival kit, and their effect on trade-offs, is being explored.