The YUTPA model in brief

The YUTPA model is a communication model developed by researcher and designer Dr. Caroline Nevejan (Nevejan, 2009). YUTPA is the acronym for "being with You in Unity of Time, Place and Action". The specific configuration of four dimensions of time, place, action an d relation defines how people interact. In the sphere (figure 1), the white space of You, Here, Now there is 'air' in which people can act. In this space human beings meet, love, play and fight. In the dark space there is no air and it is hard to act, yet we design many systems that deeply influence human's well-being and survival in the black space.

When designing larger communication processes, a trade-off can be designed between presence and trust, by tuning four dimensions. A configuration of maximum Yo u, Here, Now, Action grants maximum possibilities for building trust. When any of the dimensions is geared to 'Not' this effect can be balanced in other dimensions (text quoted from; image by Max Bruinsma)

Maurice Berix