Here we collaborate to create a paper for the Presence Conference on our experiments with the shared sketching table
Charlie Gullström - Many architectural practices have offices in different cities: As an architect, I want to sketch…
Caroline Nevejan - Space is defined fundamentally by how one interacts with a space, Jansma argues. As a child he…
Caroline Nevejan - There is something in the space between our bodies that you can sense and feel how another person…
Caroline Nevejan - Creating the sense of place in theatre is mostly a collaborative effort of many. As a playwright…
Caroline Nevejan - When designing buildings and infrastructure the human body is always key to the design. Vision
Caroline Nevejan - The notion of entrainment refers to how two clocks become synchronized when their pendulums swing…
Caroline Nevejan - In order to notice, something would have to have occurred that is not quite in sync with everything…
Caroline Nevejan - Jogi Panghaal argues that while interacting with material the human being changes the material…
Charlie Gullström - Turning, then, to the designers of such hybrid spatial montage, we may observe how different…
Caroline Nevejan - To understand skill and tacit knowledge between real and virtual spaces, we spend the morning in…
Caroline Nevejan - Jansma argues that we live in a society in which risk is reduced all the time: by the government
Caroline Nevejan - For Jansma technology is wonderful. Without it we couldn’t have the complicated urban society with…
Caroline Nevejan - With the new technologies there are new possibilities for service design and these can bring some…
Caroline Nevejan - Wilson finds that the orchestration of communication with different colleagues and business…
Caroline Nevejan - Wilson has a distinct behavior of timing in her collaboration with the programmers: confirm when…
Caroline Nevejan - Learning the skills to work with the material is a process of inducing in traditional artisan…
Leif Handberg, Johnny Widen - With Jason and Johnny we explored in a few afternoons how to make a first set up for the shared…