We hit the national TV news and had extensive articles published in national newspapers and magazines concerning the GHP, its guests and the issues it raised. Some impressive international coverage also appeared because it was the first time that hackers from the USA and Europe had come together, and people from all continents had participated via the network: from Brazil, New Zealand, Moscow, Nairobi and South Africa, Hong Kong and more. A special edition of Liberation (Fr) came out, which was called "Informatique, Le bal de Voleurs" ; the front page of the Wall Street Journal (USA) carried an article with the title "Nerds of the World Unite Ñ and Defend Their Right to Hack" and the Guardian (UK) emphasized the connection with the Russians with the title "Galactic Hackers log on to Glasnost". Below is an overview of the press coverage that demonstrates a clear build up, an extensive reporting (also in many regional newspapers in the Netherlands) and a scaling down of press attention (Press Folder, 1989). \n7 May 1989: San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle (USA) by Denise Caruso\nJuly, August 1989: Terminal, Paris\nJuly: Computerinfo 8/9\n9 July: Computable\n13 July: NN (Amsterdam alternative magazine)\n27 July: Telegraaf, Nieuws van de Dag, Algemeen Dagblad,\n29 July: Haagse Post\n1 August: NRC Handelsblad, de Groene Amsterdammer\n2 August: Volkskrant, De Groene Amsterdammer, Nieuws van de Dag, Typhoon (Wormerveer/Amsterdam), Haarlems Dagblad, Nieuwsblad van het Noorden, Twentse Courant, Leeuwarder Courant, Amersfoortse Courant, Rotterdams Nieuwsblad, prov. Zeeuwse Courant, Leeuwarder Courant\nTV: NOS journaal, national news 8 o'clock edition, Nieuwslijn Veronica, 21.15\n3 August: Volkskrant, Algemeen Dagblad, Typhoon, Arnhemse Courant, Dagblad Tubantia, Dagblad van Almere, Leeuwarder Courant, Nieuwsblad van het Noorden, Dagblad West Friesland, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, \n4 August: Volkskrant, Trouw, Telegraaf, Parool, NRC Handelsblad, Brabants Dagblad, Goudse Courant (and several other local newspapers carrying the same article), Prov. Zeeuwse Courant, Reformatistisch Dagblad, Eindhovens Dagblad, Fries Dagblad, \nThe independent (UK), The Guardian (UK)\n5 August, Haagse Post, Liberation (Fr), Lordag (Denmark), \n7 August: The Wall Street Journal Europe (USA)\n9 August: Automatiserings Gids \n11 August: Computable\n18 August: Volkskrant