Thalia, Dennis , Stefan H - Texel is an island in the north of Netherlands which is the largest and most populated among the…
Thalia, Stefan H, Dennis - Problem statement The goal of 'Texel 2020', which wants the island to become 100% energy neutral…
Thalia, Dennis , Stefan H - Except from our main ambitions and goals, that mentioned above, we set a program of small…
Thalia, Stefan H, Dennis - Hierarchy of societal needs (pyramid structure) The pyramid of hierarchy of the societal needs…
Dennis , Thalia, Stefan H - Highlighting sustainability (sustainable development) needs technological improvements as well as a…
Thalia, Dennis , Stefan H - It is clear already from our research question and ambitions that we want to create a network of…
Thalia, Dennis , Stefan H - 1. "The island of Texel towards a sustainable energy future" (20/12/2014):…