Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Currently smart grid technology is developed worldwide. Boulder Colorado, for example, the first…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - For over 40 years Elinor Ostrom studied how rural communities in different places in the world…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Presence research uses many methodologies from the medical and natural sciences as well as…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - In the 1990s the ‘being-here’ perspective on presence design is initially overshadowed by the many…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - This chapter focuses on the design of presence in merging realities as approached in the social and…
Dilasser - On the fourth day of this Athens course, we succeded in designing the water system and started to…
Rommel - My 4th day at TU Delft. Last day for designing.
Andreas Belderbos - Report on the intermediate project presentations on 20th of March.
James Shirley - The first day of full fledged planning and designing of the Shelter aspect of the Bio-inspired…
Andreas Belderbos - The amount of energy needed is quantified to obtain a starting point for design calculations
Yang - It is the very beginning of the study of design of biomimicry on a specific topic in a group.
De Turck - Nature provides us with an unimaginable number of lessons on how to treat our sewage water. We want…
Dilasser - Day 2 started with a lot of uncertainties but has shown itself far more interesting than yesterday.
Boddupalli - The Introduction to the course, and a few epiphanies about the task at hand.
Coux - First day reflexions
In the spring of 2010, we published the call to contribute to this special issue on Witnessed…
Lipika Bansal - Various teenage girls have written stories about their relation with water. They also write about…
Lipika Bansal - Lipika (PhD candidate at TUDelft, Participatory Systems) and Ankur, Society in Alternatives in…
In her work on witnessed presence, Nevejan (2009) argues that that our awareness and connectivity…
George Leonard (1981) writes about identity as being ‘the stable, persistent, unique quality that…
Some further explanation is needed for Body Moves. As mentioned, these are pragmatic rhythms (Gill…
In this research presence refers to the presence of a human beings who breathes and has a heart…