Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - For over 40 years Elinor Ostrom studied how rural communities in different places in the world…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - In the 1990s the ‘being-here’ perspective on presence design is initially overshadowed by the many…
Rommel - My 4th day at TU Delft. Last day for designing.
Chacon - Second day of the program: clearing confusions, establishing goals, giving ideas and working…
Caroline Nevejan - Notions of embodied knowledge and authenticity are challenged. System participation has opened up a…
For thousands of years the being-witness-to-each-other defines dynamics in religious and non
The key question within the Participatory Systems Initiative is ‘how to design systems so human…
Human beings, in the act of being witness and bearing witness, have been mediating presence for…
In the beginning was suffering. —Julia Kristeva (1993), Proust and the Sense of Time
One need not be a chamber to be haunted. One need not be a house. Far safer, through an abbey…
Within neuroscience, the study of interpersonal synchrony is a new and emerging area of research.
George Leonard (1981) writes about identity as being ‘the stable, persistent, unique quality that…
Human behaviour is dominated by ‘complex hierarchies of interlocking rhythms’, and in studies…
A comment on my intertwined role as designer and researcher is in place. As designers, my…
Trust emerges and is negotiated at the same time. Social structures are built on this process of…
Charlie Gullström - Workshop On RELATION, 18-20 September, Stockholm
Caroline Nevejan - Informal conversation are fundamental to how organizations function. Is it possible to mediate such…
Sjoukje van der Meulen - A wide range of artworks have been created within the new media that can be explained through the…
Phil Turner - Presence has been (historically) defined as the sense of “being there” (Held and Durlach, 1992) and…
Phil Turner - This paper considers what is involved when we witness an event from an (everyday) ontological…
Frans-Willem Korsten - The “wonder” involved consists, in part, in a change of situation that is not an event. An event…
Karen Lancel - Tele_Trust functions as a spatial triangle - a threefold Gaze, between smartphone, DataVeil and…
Charlie Gullström - What is new, today, is that it has become possible to populate these architectural extensions; to…