Woidy Hammami - 1. How you are going to integrate the workplace with the playground? Its near the office. It may…
Katarina Gyoreova - Biomimicry is a design discipline that seeks sustainable solutions by emulating nature’s time
Katarina Gyoreova - wasting/buying/shopping
Alexandre Doridot - This is a first version of our final design project.
Alexandre Doridot - This week, our Presence Design project deals with wasting food issue. In the first day, we had to…
Alice Berger - integrate biomimicry in a sustainable solution
Alice Berger - behaviours of some social animals in front of danger
Alice Berger - food waste fridge supermarket
Darío Álvarez - Mother Nature is the ultimate recycler: She returns living organisms back to the earth after they…
Darío Álvarez - In each picture you get to see the weekly food intake for an average family of the country they…
Darío Álvarez - During this week I will work in a group that try to solve the problem of excessive waste of food.
I am a French student. Delft course in november 2011: Presence Design
Gustavo Pv - To further adapt the shape of the small-scale city to any given environment, we adopted a model…
Gustavo Pv - One possible solution for a community of 50 people with a need for the same standard of living is…
Gustavo Pv - http://www.tamera.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kibbutz http://www.transitionnetwork.org…
Radka Simandlova - questions from other groups
Tomás Martín González - How can children have a place in this community?
Gustavo Pv - The problem that arises from not having a differentiated wage or any sort of individual stimuli is…
Gustavo Pv - To invest in an utopic model of society, one has to deconstruct the value system in human…