Caroline Nevejan - Charlie Gullstrom and Leif Handberg offered their experience as presence architects to make the set…
Caroline Nevejan - Informal conversation are fundamental to how organizations function. Is it possible to mediate such…
Caroline Nevejan - Here you find a movieclip and photo's of the first experimenst with the two mediated sketching…
Caroline Nevejan - To understand skill and tacit knowledge between real and virtual spaces, we spend the morning in…
Some phone pictures from the workshop in the Presence Lab in Stockholm in March 2012. PLease add…
Charlie Gullström - This incredible and skillful demonstration of virtual and real glass-blowing took place on Thursday…
Charlie Gullström - It is where we will explore concepts relating to mediating presence and where we will design shared…
Here you find details for organizing our collaboration and the workshops. Forma and financial…
Peter Parnes - Here are some ideas, thoughts and comments on the shared negotiator demonstrator.
Kåre Synnes - Here some first sketches
Charlie Gullström - Those of us involved in the prototyping of Shared Negotiation Spaces have decided to submit a co
Charlie Gullström - Based on recent sketches (see my last post) our prototype is developing: our work aims towards a…
Charlie Gullström - Shared Negotiation Space, our collaborate workspace