Bruno Latour - In The Social Study of Information and Communication Study, ed. C. Avgerou, C. Ciborra, and F.F.
Marshall McLuhan - New York: McGraw–Hill
Jeannette Pols - In Science, Technology & Human Values (31) 4: 409–430
Noortje Marres - PhD diss., University of Amsterdam
Brenda Laurel - Boston: Addison–Wesley Publishing
John Thackara - Cambridge/London: MIT press
McKenzie Wark - Boston: Harvard University Press
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Sally Wyatt - In Science, Technology and Human Values 29(2): 242–61
Simon Roozendaal - In Elsevier 46/17, 28 april 1990
Patrice Riemens - Amsterdam: Paradiso and Hack–Tic. San Francisco: Village Design
Bruno Latour - Trans. Catherine Porter. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Originally title: Nous n’avons jamais…
Sally Wyatt - In How users matter, the co–construction of users and technology, ed. Nelly Oudshoorn and Trevor…
Ingrid Volkmer - New York: Peter Lang
Tonny Krijnen - Paper presented at IAMCR Conference 'Media Panics: Freedom, Control and Democracy in the Age of…
Gina Kolata - In The International Herald Tribune, news section, European edition, 12 march
Tanne de Goei - In HIVNieuws 80, jan/febr.
Malcolm Gladwell - London: Little, Brown and Company
Arthur Koestler - Trans. Daphne Hardy. USA: Signet Books, The New American Library
Wijnand A. IJsselsteijn - PhD diss., Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
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Tracy LaQuey - (second edition). USA: Addison–Wesley, Online BookStore (OBS). Retrieved from archives.obs–…
Thomas S.Kuhn - Editors.James Conant and John Haugeland. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press