Caroline Nevejan - Haraway's insights imply consequences for the sense of presence on an even deeper level. In the…
Caroline Nevejan, Donna Haraway - Another element in thinking about natural presence in modern life is elaborated upon by Donna…
Caroline Nevejan - For survival, the blurring between real and unreal situations is problematic at first sight. When…
Caroline Nevejan, Irma - When I am confronted by a stranger on my path, I have to know whether he is really there and…
Caroline Nevejan, Giuseppe Riva, John A. Waterworth, Eva L. Waterworth - Riva, Waterworth and Waterworth were inspired by Damasio in their proposal for a deeper…
Caroline Nevejan - In 2004 an amazing article was written, 'The Layers of Presence: A Bio-cultural Approach to…
Caroline Nevejan - People who have died can have all sorts of presences in the variety of cultures that the human race…
Gill, Rosalind. 2002. Cool, Creative and Egalitarian? Exploring Gender in Project–Based New Media…
Barbrook, Richard. 1997. The digital Economy: commodities or gifts? Posted to nettime mailing list…
Caroline Nevejan - IJsselsteijn also makes the following observation about the future: "With more advanced media, it…
Caroline Nevejan - Wijnand IJsselsteijn, researcher at TU Eindhoven, has been involved with the European Presence…
Caroline Nevejan - In science as in the arts a lot of research has been carried out that can be understood as presence…
Caroline Nevejan - In annual international art events like Ars Electronica note 44 , DEAF note 45 , ISEA note 46…
Caroline Nevejan - In the media labs of large technological corporations around the world, and especially and foremost…
Caroline Nevejan - Military research into presence has to be mentioned here first, even though I do not intend to…
Steeves, Valerie. 2000. Privacy, Free Speech and community: Applying Human Rights Law to Cyberspace.
Ford, Glyn. 2000. The European Parliament and Human Rights on the Internet. In Human Rights and the…
Caroline Nevejan - The first group of surveillance and identification technologies that I will consider is concerned…
Benjamin, Walter. 1936 Het kunstwerk in het tijdperk van zijn technische reproduceerbaarheid. Trans.
McLuhan, Marshall. 1964. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. New York: McGraw–Hill.
Giddens, Anthony. 1984. The constitution of Society, Outline of the Theory of Structuration.
Caroline Nevejan - Internet facilitates the storage and exchange of text, images, sound, music, film, radio and live…