Pinal Desai, Tatiana Armijos Moya - Key words: Relation, Time, Place, Action
Bertien Broekhans - Texel is part of the Wadden Sea, which is a World heritage site on the same footing as other world…
Stories from inhabitants and visitors learn us a lot about how people experience the island, its…
Tatiana Armijos Moya, Pinal A. Desai - Eco-Island . Circular Flow Land Use Management . Creative Island
Pinal Desai, Tatiana Armijos Moya - KEY WORDS: City planning, Urban planning, architecture, urban design, public space, city scale
Lizet columns #2
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Dennis - According to the Dutch Central Statistical Office (CBS) the Dutch life standard is quite high.
Powered by nature and people, Texel will get its own floating tidal energy platform. The…
The answer to this question is not primarily technically challenging, but psychologically. Most…