Irina, Yannick - Impact on other sub-systems On one hand, tourism has positive impact on the economy of Texel…
Irina - Fig.1 Main cities and tourist attraction points Texel position itself as a touristic place. A lot…
Yannick - Some of sustainable initiatives related to the current sub-system have already being implemented…
Yannick , Irina, Nora - In the subsystem of Texel as Host, there are several important actors. Actors are the groups of…
Yannick , Irina - Based on the research regarding the current sub system, following conclusions can be made: 1. …
Nora, Yannick , Irina - To make the field of tourism more sustainable. That means to make the things sustainable that…
Tiwanee van der Horst, Pieter van Hall, María José Galeano Galván - Survey questionnaire (Dutch) Enquête Leef kwaliteit Dit is een enquête opgezet door TU Delft…