Thalia - Christmas holidays is considered as the best period of the year for giving gifts to our close…
Klara Bergman - A couple of days ago a friend shared an article on facebook that caught my eye. The article is…
'Echt Texel produkt' is the label for products that are typically Texels. The Association for…
Thalia, Stefan H, Dennis - Leisure and Knowledge is an important sub-system responsible to highlight the character of Texel…
James Shirley - It was finally here. The day we had all been preparing for.
Boddupalli - The final day is here and how!
Dilasser - Today was completely devoted to the first early drafts of what the design of the Faculty of…
De Turck - Nature provides us with an unimaginable number of lessons on how to treat our sewage water. We want…
Brunone - 1 kg di cera 79000 celle 66000ore di lavoro 22kg di miele Crac crac – bzz bzz
‘What a thrill it is to be here!’ Margaret Atwood exclaimed as she addressed the audience of the…
Trust emerges and is negotiated at the same time. Social structures are built on this process of…
Oni, Ino Paap - Learn how to cooperate in Anymeta. Anymeta is a tool for cooperation. It is designed to work with…
Leif Handberg - The reactor hall is a nice venue for shared experiences in an event like this and it worked well to…
Anna Carlgren - About energy and the built environment Sustainability and ecology are today at the crux of…
Sjoukje van der Meulen - Huyghe’s work, therefore, can only be fully understood with the help of a conceptual framework that…
Sjoukje van der Meulen - Now, Huyghe’s A Journey that wasn’t evokes fiction by its title alone because of its poetic denial…
Sjoukje van der Meulen - We have drifted away somewhat from Nevejan’s theory of YUTPA through this reassessment of…
Sjoukje van der Meulen - The fact that Nevejan’s work is a sociological research that investigates new forms of social…
Sjoukje van der Meulen - Huyghe already addressed issues of presence and witnessing in his early billboard, Chantier Barbès
Phil Turner - Merleau-Ponty (1945/1962) developed the concept of intentionality to include what we would now…
Kadir van Lohuizen - There she stands, a lonely tree in a forest of concrete. She seems healthy though, full of leaves.