Laure - how the lotus get rid of the water
Nature has inspired us throughout our history. At some point in our history we deviated from nature…
Laure, James Shirley - The first ideas for a bio-friendly building
Maccagni, James Shirley - A few of the buildings which inspired our design
Rommel, James Shirley - Comfort means being able to provide a convenient, tunable, stimulating, intimate as well as…
Rákos, James Shirley - A function tree was created, where the function - 'Protection from the environment' - was divided…
Rommel - Design plays a crucial role in the success of an assignment. Finding the right approach might prove…
Here we will discuss how a suitable information infrastructure may contribute to the successful…
Here we will discuss how the spatial organization of a building enables successful teaching
Koelman - In this section we discuss briefly the key features of education that are the result of our…
Brunone - My first impression about this course has been quite good because the subject is very interesting
Nulli - The fourth day it started continuing the work of the previous day, with the exception of a…
Nulli - The third day was very helpful to set and develop the concepts.
Nulli - The second day improved a lot my previus expectation, although the end of the morning was set a…
Chacon - An important lesson: when you have certain schemes in your mind about how to solve a problem, is…
Chacon - Just one day for the final presentation and still, so many disagreements within groups regarding…
Chacon - According to our specific assignment each group have different objectives in mind, but at the end…
Chacon - Second day of the program: clearing confusions, establishing goals, giving ideas and working…
Chacon - For a person that comes from an engineer background is difficult not to have some particular…
Brunone - Group work Today has been really useful! The most important thing that I liked a lot is that we…
Brunone - 1 kg di cera 79000 celle 66000ore di lavoro 22kg di miele Crac crac – bzz bzz
Brunone - Firstly, in order to better explain which are my first impressions about this workshop, i'd like to…
Wang - The beginning of the course
Nulli - My first impression about this course has been quite good because the subject is very interesting