Sjoukje van der Meulen - Another interesting aspect of Weber’s analysis of television in this context is that he links the…
Sjoukje van der Meulen - Huyghe already addressed issues of presence and witnessing in his early billboard, Chantier Barbès
Sjoukje van der Meulen - This paper does not intend to give an all-inclusive overview of presence theories, but makes use of…
Sjoukje van der Meulen - Huyghe’s work was included in both the show and the catalogue of Future Cinema, but evidently he is…
Sjoukje van der Meulen - The relation between presence and representation in the arts has never been simple, as the many…
Sjoukje van der Meulen - The Oxford English Dictionary defines “witness” as “the action or condition of being an observer of…
Charlie Gullström - The recommended hotel is the Birger Jarl Hotel in Stockholm: We have made a…
Caroline Nevejan, Charlie Gullström - In this workshop theoretical engagement is interwoven with rapid prototyping. A special focus will…
Phil Turner - Merleau-Ponty (1945/1962) developed the concept of intentionality to include what we would now…
Charlie Gullström - In November 2011 the Eindhoven node of the European Institute of Technology was host to an initial…
Caroline Nevejan - As a result of our “UNFOLD & PREPARE” workshop, Eindhoven 7-8 November 2011 and in conjunction with…
Frans-Willem Korsten - One pivotal aspect with regard to theatricality is that it manifests itself in a present, in the…
Frans-Willem Korsten - Walker’s solution, by digging in history and archives and turning the objects she has found into an…
Frans-Willem Korsten - The point is ironically illustrated by some of Walker’s pieces that depict the biblical flood or…
Frans-Willem Korsten - Addressing the past maladies in her work, Walker’s attempt may be to restore or make possible a…
Frans-Willem Korsten - The work that Walker made shortly after hurricane Katrina had caused the flooding of New Orleans…
Frans-Willem Korsten - The making of a drawing can be considered as an icon for apostrophe, since the maker of the drawing…
Frans-Willem Korsten - Maria Dermôut was born in Pekalongan, in 1888 as a member of a family that had lived in the Dutch…
Frans-Willem Korsten - The “wonder” involved consists, in part, in a change of situation that is not an event. An event…
Frans-Willem Korsten - With regard to apostrophe’s powers to affect an audience, the Quintillian-passage may serve to…
Frans-Willem Korsten - The contrast with other major generic modes of speaking is that in narrative somebody is speaking…