Caroline Nevejan - The spatial dimension is physical embodiment, but in the online environment we’re disembodied, time…
Caroline Nevejan - One of the great people working on synchrony was Condon. Working in psychiatry, he understood the…
Caroline Nevejan - In music timing is very important. If you get the rhythm right, the tune will be recognizable as…
Caroline Nevejan - In face-to-face contexts transactions are emerging out of rhythm and coordination. People say that…
Caroline Nevejan - Gill tells several stories about the surprising fact that people develop a sense of ‘we’ in online…
Caroline Nevejan - Being in flow with others makes it easier to act. When someone is out of flow, it is harder for…
Caroline Nevejan - The notion of entrainment refers to how two clocks become synchronized when their pendulums swing…
Caroline Nevejan - In order to notice, something would have to have occurred that is not quite in sync with everything…
Caroline Nevejan - Satinder Gill argues that in order to witness, there has to be a connection. The notion of presence…
Anna Carlgren - Versatile and innovative use of glass at home and in public space will in the future provide for…
Anna Carlgren - Truly unbreakable glass would be a dream come true since all mobile devices depend on glass. In…
It is well known that panes of stained glass in old European churches are thicker at the bottom…
Anna Carlgren - Set-up on 22 February 2011: an empty jar, weighed without lid, filled with distilled water. After…
Anna Carlgren - Is glass a liquid or a solid? Experts do not agree on this one. Some argue that glass is an under
Anna Carlgren - Raindrops refract light. A double rainbow is perceptible when a double refraction occurs in the…
Glass plays a significant role in modern society and glass is as carrier of information an…
Anna Carlgren - When exploring optical phenomena many test pieces need to be fabricated. Some can elevate the eye…