When contact between people takes place on a professional level it is very purposeful. But it…
An audience can identify with the auditioner because it can imagine what that person must be going…
The audience seems to be more interested in seeing someone fighting and struggling through an…
Of course it is nice to see these shows being so popular. Young people are greatly encouraged to…
His performance was already perfected in the rehearsal studio. He does not want to derogate from it.
Even an album recording of classical music sometimes consists of hundreds of small fragments that…
The public wants to be assured of a good experience. The margin for surprises becomes as small as…
How to engage with impulses that can’t go any faster than they are coming.
Attention requires time.
A daily edition of a newspaper includes more information than a person would have come across in…
This is something that can be learned. You become more adept at screening things superficially and…
You can step right into the centre of important events.
Angelo Vermeulen - The Biomodd project itself has also taken an open source nature. For instance, instructions for…
Angelo Vermeulen - Each Biomodd version reflects the cultural and social conditions in which it was created and is a…
Angelo Vermeulen - We work with teams and every individual within the group is empowered to add something substantial…
Angelo Vermeulen - Biomodd highlights the social nature of gaming and game culture.
Angelo Vermeulen - The idea of case modding is approached as a form of expanded sculpture. In this sculptural approach…
Angelo Vermeulen - Electronic waste is one of the most problematic consequences of digital technology.
Angelo Vermeulen - Biomodd is a collaborative art project conceived to challenge presumed notions of opposition…
Angelo Vermeulen - Nature and technology are our means to re-structure the tangible world. 'Nature' is understood here…
Angelo Vermeulen - "You can also take a positive view of violence and regard it as a kind of life energy, a driving…
Alessio Contini - The role of art, especially music nowadays, could be crucial to convey a positive message and boost…
Georgia Sismani, Beatriz Martin de Andres, Collados Carlos - After discussing with others groups we had some new ideas about our project.
Franziska Scheuermann - By rehearsing our final Presentation, we had to skip some parts to fulfill the time requirements