The fifth stage sees employees starting to communicate with fellow victims of the managerial…
Managers start to identify with their (harsh) strategies, and blur the boundary between the…
The third stage refers to the development of new strategies: managers starting to emphasise higher
In the second stage, managers introduce additional discipline and stricter measures to control the…
The first stage refers to managers and employees becoming aware of the challenges their…
The company provides educational support, career advice and counselling services to students in…
This company is the UK’s largest cake manufacturer. It produces cream cakes for supermarkets such…
The company provides care and housing services to approximately a hundred and fifty people with…
The Longhurst Group is the parent of a group of companies that provide housing services (Longhurst…
A more promising model surfaced recently (Kaufmann and Tödtling 2001; Kaufmann et al. 2009). It is…
The study reported in the paper concerns the experiences of employees whose company aims to change…
Affonço D (2005) La digue des veuves. Rescapée de l’enfer des Khmers Rouges. Presses de la…
Alberti LB (Ca 1435–1436, 1970) On painting (trans: Spencer JR). Yale University Press, New Haven…
As this paper builds on research undertaken while I was Director of the VINNOVA Centre of…
Anders S, Heinzle J, Weiskopf N, Ethofer T, Haynes J (2011) Flow of affective information between…
I would like to thank Tommi Himberg, Ian Cross, Caroline Nevejan, and Jane Liddel-King for their…
It is becoming evident from these various studies that periodicity, synchrony, and entrainment…
The analysis of synchrony and rhythm in interpersonal communication and human cognition is a…
In her work on witnessed presence, Nevejan (2009) argues that that our awareness and connectivity…
From the domain of music and neuroscience, Grahn (2009) provides a comprehensive review of the…
Within neuroscience, the study of interpersonal synchrony is a new and emerging area of research.
There is growing research on understanding how our bodies move with voice and how voices move with…
We may notice another person in a group when they are not in sync with everything else. In a study…
William Condon proposed that being able to entrain in time with another person facilitates physical…