Caroline Nevejan - People need to celebrate when something important happens. How can we celebrate on mediated…
Caroline Nevejan - How long should a negotiation last? How can response time be managed? Use a chess clock?
Caroline Nevejan - How can remote people integrate rhythm? Breathing, heartbeat, or an artificial light pattern that…
Caroline Nevejan - How is it possible to synchronize perfromance in mediated presence? Should there be a shared clock?
Caroline Nevejan - A lot of communcation time was spent on how we can communicate.
Caroline Nevejan - With no visual cues, and bad sound, we managed to communicate anyway. Levels of fluency in the…
Caroline Nevejan - Every friday moring there is a meeting between Lulea, Stockholm and Delft. Here are some images…
Caroline Nevejan - To see the movie clip go to:
Caroline Nevejan - To see the movieclip please go to:
Caroline Nevejan - To see the movieclip go to:
Caroline Nevejan - Mediated Sketching Table: