Murphy’s law is a phrase that is used regularly in complex technology projects where people try to…
Performing Arts Labs organizes labs in the performing arts that function as a catalyst in the…
The final declaration is to be found in appendix 3.
In Bolo Bolo the argument is made that after a certain number of people has gathered in a network
She showed two games which were called "The Hitler dictator-game" and the "anti-Turk test".
Wernery knew of a hack in a Philips system in 1988. When he reported this to Philips they agreed to…
This was the subtitle of the day’s programme.
The fact that people, even when they share the same goal, often do not share the same language, was…
The Antenna foundation was founded in 1986 and focuses on the non commercial use of a variety of…
Lee Felsenstein has been involved with computers and Internet since the early seventies at Berkeley
My sister, Maartje Nevejan who was attending the GHP, remembers this as a moment of euphoria she…
Captain Crunch is the alias of John Draper, a famous hacker and phone phreak from the Unites States.
Max headroom was a science fiction series that built upon the cyberpunk movement in science fiction…
The programme for the three days is to be found in appendix 2 .
Professor Boafo is Head of the Department of Political Science, University of Ghana and special…
Cees J. Hamelink is Professor of International Communication at the University of Amsterdam and…
Today Geert Lovink is a respected scholar in media theory, published by MIT Press and founder…
We obtained a 7500,- guilders subsidy for this Ethernet from the Anjerfonds.
A Guilder at the time had the user value of a Euro today. In 2003 when the euro was introduced the…
This text was written by Rikki Cate, according to Rop Gonggrijp, who collaborated with her at the…
Holland’s first general bulletin board system (Nederland’s Eerste Algemene Bulletin Board Systeem).
At the time Marieke Nelissen was teaching computers to women for the municipal government of…
“Informatique, Le bal de Voleurs “ can be translated as “Computer Technology: The Feast of Thieves”
The thousand professors and teachers of the University for Professional Education in Amsterdam…