The third day

To create the best solution, one must first dig really deep in order to come up with the best and simplest idea.

Today we started off with a brainstorm and look at how nature solves the three functions we have put up:
1. Generate information
2. Store information
3. Disseminate information.
I focused on Disseminating information and I found that this basically a combination of collecting, filtering and transferring information. I found that Feng Zhao, a computer scientist at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center, proposes equipping machinery and structures with 'collaborating sensors' reminiscent of neurons. These sensors would respond adaptively to the physical environment, infer the needs of their human operators, share information within the network, and filter out unimportant details. A building or piece of equipment containing these sensors would behave almost organically."
So imagine a system that senses what information a specific person needs, and gives him just the piece that completes the puzzle. This could also be work together with the harvest ants principle.
Caroline Nevejan commented that these three functions were not the core of education and that we need to focus more on the topic “social interaction”.
During the second presentation we tried to create a more physical place that stimulates this interaction between real people, but unfortunately we didn’t give a clear presentation. However there is a solution waiting, there must be.
