Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Fundamental to participatory distributed systems design is the notion of local coordination. Every…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Science and Technology Studies (STS) studies how science and technological innovation affect…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Individual performance of presence is affected and inspired by other people’s presence. In 1963…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - In the 1990s the ‘being-here’ perspective on presence design is initially overshadowed by the many…
James Shirley - It was finally here. The day we had all been preparing for.
Giacomo - Geothermic energy: hot water from the soil to heat the building through radiating panels below the…
Nulli - The fourth day it started continuing the work of the previous day, with the exception of a…
Koelman - Here we describe the design of a reporting system that increases interaction, exchange of ideas and…
Coux - Here are the first conclusions about energy storage we arrived to, after three days, we will use…
Giacomo - Serious workout session: getting to technical stuff. But also: how to vanish worries about…
Chacon - According to our specific assignment each group have different objectives in mind, but at the end…
Nulli - The second day improved a lot my previus expectation, although the end of the morning was set a…
James Shirley - Biology and Engineering speak different languages but when brought together, they may prove be the…
When one is witness to another, this artistic research shows that dramaturgy and composition of…
In negotiating trust and truth, in deciding what actions to engage in, in expressing one’s…
In the process of witnessing, when negotiating trust and truth, meaning emerges. A witness…
Originally being witness refers to being physically present and ‘inscribing’ what happens with…
Making connections as we do on the Internet for example, may not necessarily be the same as being…
For thousands of years the being-witness-to-each-other defines dynamics in religious and non
Faced with ecological crisis, climate crisis, a financial crisis and an urban civic crisis in which…
Information- and communication technology offers new possibilities to connect. The opportunity to…
The Witnessed Reflection methodology focuses on shared reflection by orchestrating situations in…