The last two days of the course were dedicated to the final presentation. Each repetition, the…
Goal: Increasing interaction between students, academics and the environment, stimulating…
The day started well with a coffee at 10 am. Next we watched a documentary about the applications…
Stokhuijzen - Never fall in love with your own work. "Dieter Rams"
Stokhuijzen - On wednesday we created a architectural structure which stimulates social interaction and…
Stokhuijzen - Just by watching some TED movies I can go from negative to positive
Stokhuijzen - Again, nature as proven it's intelligence.
Stokhuijzen - Struggle is always part of a design process. Don't be afraid for it.
Stokhuijzen - To create the best solution, one must first dig really deep in order to come up with the best and…
Stokhuijzen - The environment of a Bio-based faculty which stimulates social interaction and triggers inspiration…
Koelman - Since the core of Biomimicry is research, this function needs to be the core for the faculty as…
Wang, Stokhuijzen - Here we discuss the implementation of the building central nervous system in detail.
Koelman, Stokhuijzen, Wang - Here follows a list with articles from external sources: Cytoplasm seeks efficient routes: slime…
BsC at the faculty of Industrial design, and currently doing the master Industrial Product design…
Salvetti - Life's in geothermal system
Salvetti - Which primary function do we need?
Rákos - We created a function tree, where we divided the main function - sheltering - into elementary ones.
I am studying physics, chemistry and a bit of biology. My school educates us to be reactive in…
Koelman - Here we describe in detail how the reporting system could improve education in an organism-inspired…
Koelman - Inspiration for the group reporting system
Koelman - Here we describe the design of a reporting system that increases interaction, exchange of ideas and…
Koelman - Here we will perform a functional analysis of the concept "education" with the goal of decomposing…
Belgian guy with Romanian & German roots. Born, raised & educated in Leuven. Started with a…