Within neuroscience, the study of interpersonal synchrony is a new and emerging area of research.
There is growing research on understanding how our bodies move with voice and how voices move with…
We may notice another person in a group when they are not in sync with everything else. In a study…
William Condon proposed that being able to entrain in time with another person facilitates physical…
In contrast to research in anthropology and human interaction, where entrainment, rhythm, and…
George Leonard (1981) writes about identity as being ‘the stable, persistent, unique quality that…
In music, timing is very important. If you get the rhythm right, the tune will be recognizable as…
The differences in our rhythmic pulse pull us to each other. This pulling is not operating at a…
Human behaviour is dominated by ‘complex hierarchies of interlocking rhythms’, and in studies…
Interpersonal synchrony is skill for being in flow and is evidently learned from birth, through…
Recent research has also shown that there are significant emotional (Rabinowitch et al. 2011
In addition to the discussion on error correction, the production or perception of a musical pulse…
Error correction is a process that is linked to the cognitivist view of timekeeping that involves…
In this paper, we are focusing on an analysis of time in social interaction and musical interaction…
The rhythmic coupling in Body Moves seems to be akin to music performance. In a choir, for example
Some further explanation is needed for Body Moves. As mentioned, these are pragmatic rhythms (Gill…
The interest in relating prosody (the patterns of vocalization) to body movement arose from the…
Research suggests that synchronizing with others may be fundamental to human survival (Cross 2006
We know that the probability and speed of response in communication vary with it being mediated or…
Affonço D (2005) La digue des veuves. Rescapée de l’enfer des Khmers Rouges. Presses de la…