I was pleased to be invited by Caroline Nevejan to contribute to her exciting concept of witnessing…
Making the tools for this research was an intense, hard, playful, strong, beautiful and inspiring…
The invitation to integrate a new iteration of the Biomodd project in the online Witnessed Presence…
We were very happy when Nevejan invited us to develop a presentation about our networked practice…
To be asked to contribute to the Being Here project has been a very rewarding experience for me…
Working on witnessed presence was not easy. The information that was already available was very…
My participation in the research project Witnessed Presence was very stimulating. I was asked to…
We have been practicing design in the realm of communication long enough for it to feel like an…
Taking part in the Being Here project has been a wonderful experience for me. My work revolves…
To think about your own work seen from a different, more applied, perspective, is always valuable.
I have not presented my work this way before. For me, the audience consists of people from the…
In the Witnessed Presence research piece I have taken cases, events, from my own work. Using the…
I am used to making images that do not need words to make people think. I hope the image raises…
Witnessed Presence and Systems Engineering is an exploratory and interdisciplinary research project…
The key question within the Participatory Systems Initiative is ‘how to design systems so human…
Castells M (1996) The rise of the networked society. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford
making lenses
glass helmet
Caroline Nevejan - In the hall of the faculty TBM an exposotion shows results form the Medating Presence Program. At…