Chris Vermaas is a partner of Office of CC, an Amsterdam based design office working in print and…
Chin-Lien Chen, Chris Vermaas - How does a designer look at the work of his or her fellow colleagues? What are the issues of…
Chin-Lien Chen, Chris Vermaas - Precisely how does the designer make his/her decisions in the process of design; what leads him or…
Chin-Lien Chen, Chris Vermaas - Self-witnessing is vital to human social interaction. So what happens when a designer fails to…
Chin-Lien Chen, Chris Vermaas - Do the end-users have a presence in the design process? Being the ultimate client, what impact do…
Chin-Lien Chen, Chris Vermaas - Is the presence of the manufacturer complicating the existing designer-commissioner relationship?
Chin-Lien Chen, Chris Vermaas - What happens when the slow dance takes on an interesting switch? When the designer dances the steps…
Chin-Lien Chen, Chris Vermaas - What is a designer? What is the public notion of this group of professionals whose presence is…
Chin-Lien Chen is a partner of Office of CC, an Amsterdam based design office working in print and…
Angelo Vermeulen - 'Blue Shift [LOG. 1]' is a Darwinian installation piece that was realized together with…
Angelo Vermeulen - Nature and technology are our means to re-structure the tangible world. 'Nature' is understood here…
Angelo Vermeulen - "You can also take a positive view of violence and regard it as a kind of life energy, a driving…
Angelo Vermeulen - Creating frameworks where things can happen, beyond expectations, beyond control.
How can music bring people together for something more than a fleeting, aesthetic experience? How…
The challenge is to break through them without simply replacing them with new patterns. Because…
Nobody is an amateur at being themselves.
When contact between people takes place on a professional level it is very purposeful. But it…
Similarly, the audience instantly disintegrates. Some people go home directly, others are engaged…
From the moment the piece has started, the musicians are engrossed in their sound.
The musicians are often far away, on an elevated stage. Your ticket tells you which seat you’re…
Before that, the chairs were placed around tables and coffee was served. A concert was a social…
A concert was not a passive experience, but an activity. In church or during parties and…
An audience can identify with the auditioner because it can imagine what that person must be going…
The audience seems to be more interested in seeing someone fighting and struggling through an…