Caroline Nevejan - At first, when coming out of college where the processes are not automated at all, the automated…
Caroline Nevejan - When becoming part of the IT industry one has to adapt to the way the business is designed. Most of…
Caroline Nevejan - In the IT industry in India one can distinguish between three kind of companies that work…
Caroline Nevejan - Where the image of core programmer in the western world is that of a solitary alienated figure to…
Leen de Baat, Caroline Nevejan - Jansma talks about the difference between form space, rhythm and language and how this is…
Leen de Baat, Caroline Nevejan - Jansma explores how to design everyday surroundings, like (public) transport, tunnels, highways etc
Leen de Baat, Caroline Nevejan - Rein explains the controverse between the aim to exclude risk out of everyday life and the…
Rein Jansma briefly studied biology and architecture at the TU Delft but decided that ‘making…
Rein Jansma, Caroline Nevejan - View full transcript including film fragments here Hereunder the transcript in text.
Caroline Nevejan - Very logic things can relate to very complex and layered things. On a visual level people…
Caroline Nevejan - Space is communication anyway, argues Jansma. It is communication from the designer of the space to…
Caroline Nevejan - Discussing the relation between functional rhythm and aesthetic rhythm in the design, Jansma…
Caroline Nevejan - For Jansma the most important requirement of today’s technology is very simple: there should be…
Caroline Nevejan - Technology deeply influences the architecture that can be made; because of the speed of calculation…
Caroline Nevejan - For Jansma technology is wonderful. Without it we couldn’t have the complicated urban society with…
Caroline Nevejan - Transport infrastructure is very optimized in our part of the world, but, this brings a danger that…
Caroline Nevejan - Jansma argues that we live in a society in which risk is reduced all the time: by the government
Caroline Nevejan - Zwarts & Jansma have made a lot of sports buildings but actually, according to Jansma, a soccer…
Caroline Nevejan - Space is defined fundamentally by how one interacts with a space, Jansma argues. As a child he…
Caroline Nevejan - Rein Jansma explains that in the architectural company Zwarz & Jansma no distinction is made the…
Zainab Bawa works as an independent researcher on issues of urbanism, governance and impact of…
Zainab Bawa, Caroline Nevejan - View full transcript including film fragments here Hereunder the transcript in text.
Caroline Nevejan - The effect of this flow between different realities became very clear for Bawa when the state of…
Caroline Nevejan - In another project Bawa was involved in, the government wanted to offer civic services through an…