This graph represents our view on the future sustainable water cycle on Texel.
Thalia, Dennis , Stefan H - Every new program has its receivers, which are some of the actors. In our case the actors are the…
Rosanne - Let's give ourselves some credit for our behaviour in student housing! As large-scale consumers of…
Thalia, Dennis , Stefan H - The last but most innovative action of our proposal consists of the creation of a fourth center on…
Thalia, Stefan H, Dennis - The future plan of Leisure and Knowledge for Texel has to be applied in harmony with the culture…
Derek van den Berg - A few months ago I read about Belgian plans to construct an energy island in front of their…
Stefan H, Thalia, Dennis - The primary schools on Texel can play an important role in the vision to become a sustainable…
Stefan H, Thalia, Dennis - The goal of making a sustainable route on Texel is to create awareness and is part of the vision to…
Some quotes from inhabitants and reports of the municipality of Texel and show how they think about…
Klara Bergman, Stefan Olsthoorn, Derek van den Berg - In this weekly report we will shortly explain the organization of our team. Our team consists of 4…
Stefan H - Het toerisme is met 25 % afgenomen. Het eiland wordt bestuurd vanuit Den Helder. De dijken zijn…
Irina - This weekend I was present at the lecture of the professor Arjan van Timmeren, where he mentioned…
Tiwanee van der Horst - We are living in a world dominated by consumerism. A habit which is polluting our environment and…
Cheyenne Schuit - This column is about a lecture of an evolutional ecologist. Toby Kiers found out that nature does…
References Konijn, R. 2014. ‘Waarom Te xel moet ontwikkelen om uniek te blijven’. Geraadpleegd op…
The hospitality industry is one of Texels biggest industries, which makes tourism important. This…
The actors involved in the new socio-technical sub-system are: - Municipality - …
The system starts with the waste streams of households and the hospitality industry. In this…
The design exists of sub-systems that are interconnected and contribute to the total closed bio
Thalia - The first aspects that come to our mind when it is about sustainability are the renewable sources…
Tiwanee van der Horst - This week I was in Amsterdam for IDFA and while crossing the IJ river I was startled by the look of…
Jesper Goorden - This week it was my group’s turn to do the literature review. I did the review on the Dutch report…
Pieter van Hall, Tiwanee van der Horst - The advantage of looking at socio-technical systems is that the co-evolution of technology and…