Derek van den Berg - Shrinking areas are a rather common phenomenon nowadays in the Western world. A low population…
Bestemmingsplan Source:
Rosanne, Elia Galiouna - In this chapter we will introduce and evaluate possible water saving technologies. We will choose…
Derek van den Berg, Stefan Olsthoorn, Niki Nikolaou, Klara Bergman - Introduction The third meeting for the this course, Engineering for Sustainable Development, took…
A step forward in making Texel sustainable in terms of food production would be to encourage local…
Tiwanee van der Horst, María José Galeano Galván, Pieter van Hall - The circle made for the empowerment of the inhabitants of Texel.
Black Pete? Green Pete! It is only a couple days until it is the 5th of December, which is in the…
Groenten en fruit Biologische groenten en fruit staan altijd met hun wortels in de grond.
Schapen Schapen worden gehouden voor hun wol en voor lamsvlees. Biologische schapen krijgen 100%…
Koe-weetjes Een biologische koe geeft gemiddeld 20 liter melk per dag, een niet-biologische koe…
Elia Galiouna - Part 1. Sustainability challenge and ambition, problem statement, and research question with regard…
Tatiana Armijos Moya - Seawater Greenhouse Creating a cool and humid growing Environment: Water harvesting
Tourists are an integral part to Texel's economy and sustenance. Providing for almost 50% of the…
Architect Berit Piepgras did some research on the definition of urban agriculture and did an…
Voedsel dichter bij huis produceren is niet alleen hip, maar uit oogpunt van duurzaamheid ook…
The mini workshop about sustainability information spreading made us think about ways to encourage…