To make sure research is grounded and well informed, every week two interviews are performed with…
General information about Texel’s policy on sustainability, demographics, past initiatives and…
A literature review discusses academic literature relevant to that weeks subject area. The…
Bertien Broekhans, Irma van Bergen Bravenboer - Texel is to be designed as a sustainable island. On Texel many sustainable initiatives were taken
Materials and outcomes of lectures will be published here.
In 6 weeks participants engage with literature, engineering and design practices to be followed by…
Required reading and literature for Engineering for Sustainable Development course
How does a sustainable Texel look like that promotes happiness amongst inhabitants and visitors and…
How does a sustainable water system for Texel look like, and what is needed to achieve this?
How does a sustainable ‘hosting’/tourism system for Texel look like and what is needed to achieve…
How does a sustainable mobility system for Texel look like, and what is needed to achieve this?
How does a sustainable public space system in Texel look like and what is needed to achieve this?
How does a sustainable waste/material system for Texel look like, and what is needed to achieve…
How does a Texel as a sustainable leisure/knowledge system (island) look like and what is needed to…
What can be the role of salt water in a sustainable Texel when it comes to the delivery of food