How does a sustainable agriculture system for Texel look like and what is needed to achieve a…
The course engineering for sustainable development aims to improve the capacities of engineers to…
Starting on the 12th of November 2014, participants will study literature, explore sustainability…
Students of Delft University of Technology participate in this course. They come from different MSc…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Fundamental to participatory distributed systems design is the notion of local coordination. Every…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - For over 40 years Elinor Ostrom studied how rural communities in different places in the world…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Science and Technology Studies (STS) studies how science and technological innovation affect…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - In complex design trajectories, in which business and political dynamics are at stake, the need to…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Senge introduced the concept of ‘presencing’ as a means to guide organizations to go through…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Individual performance of presence is affected and inspired by other people’s presence. In 1963…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Having identified that the sense of ‘being-here’ and the sense of ‘being-there’ are merging, the…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - In communication trajectories we incorporate on- and offline interaction into one experience over…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - In the 1990s the ‘being-here’ perspective on presence design is initially overshadowed by the many…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - To create digital technologies for mediating presence, psychologists and computer scientists have…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Currently smart grid technology is developed worldwide. Boulder Colorado, for example, the first…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Presence as a value in Design for Values positions our ‘strive for well-being and survival’ centre
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Presence as a factor of analysis judges the choices that are made in a design process giving agency…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - When translating presence into design requirements, an application should facilitate a…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Interdisciplinary research has identified 4 dimensions of significance for making choices and trade
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Presence design requires the involvement of different scientific and design disciplines. This in…