It is with such view in mind that my paper considers the projects ‘We want (u) to know’ and…
When the Vietnamese army entered Cambodia in January 1979, the soldiers found a devastated country…
Witnessing is a shifting category determined by what kind of events are witnessed. This is what the…
It is the first time that I appear before a tribunal. I am overwhelmed in turn by painful souvenirs…
When one is witness to another, this artistic research shows that dramaturgy and composition of…
In negotiating trust and truth, in deciding what actions to engage in, in expressing one’s…
In the process of witnessing, when negotiating trust and truth, meaning emerges. A witness…
Originally being witness refers to being physically present and ‘inscribing’ what happens with…
With the ubiquitous presence of media and the Internet in the day-to-day life of at least 1 billion…
For thousands of years the being-witness-to-each-other defines dynamics in religious and non
Faced with ecological crisis, climate crisis, a financial crisis and an urban civic crisis in which…
Information- and communication technology offers new possibilities to connect. The opportunity to…
As this paper builds on research undertaken while I was Director of the VINNOVA Centre of…
How important is presence? Is it slowly losing importance in work-life contexts? Or is workplace…
The concepts of working and meeting have quite recently acquired new meanings in the sense that we…
I put forward that, for a long time, workplace design has been modelled on a presence-in-person…
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial…
This special issue shows that new bridges between the space of places and the space of flows are…
Stephanie Bezanquen, a French philosopher focusing on cultural representations of genocide and mass…
In the spring of 2010, we published the call to contribute to this special issue on Witnessed…
Human beings, in the act of being witness and bearing witness, have been mediating presence for…
This special issue of AI and Society, Journal for Knowledge, Culture and Communication explores the…