I have not presented my work this way before. For me, the audience consists of people from the…
In the Witnessed Presence research piece I have taken cases, events, from my own work. Using the…
I am used to making images that do not need words to make people think. I hope the image raises…
Witnessed Presence and Systems Engineering is an exploratory and interdisciplinary research project…
The key question within the Participatory Systems Initiative is ‘how to design systems so human…
Castells M (1996) The rise of the networked society. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford
making lenses
glass helmet
glass mediates interaction
In the hall of the faculty TPM an exposition shows results from the EIT ICT Labs Medating Presence…
Lipika Bansal - Lipika (PhD candidate at TUDelft, Participatory Systems) and Ankur, Society in Alternatives in…
Caroline Nevejan - In the hall of the faculty TBM an exposotion shows results form the Medating Presence Program. At…
Caroline Nevejan - After the lecture on the Mediating Presecne research program 2012, participants will join in 4…
After a year of collaboration results are discussed and elaborated upon in a final conference in…
Caroline Nevejan - Location: TU Delft, Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management, Jaffalaan 5, Delft, Netherlands…
It has been argued that profiting from certain forms of employee experiences requires a form of…
Developments in the four companies appear to show that at least some employees (non-managers…
Non-managers increasingly behave like independent actors in their company, fully aware of their…
The fifth stage sees employees starting to communicate with fellow victims of the managerial…
Managers start to identify with their (harsh) strategies, and blur the boundary between the…
The third stage refers to the development of new strategies: managers starting to emphasise higher
In the second stage, managers introduce additional discipline and stricter measures to control the…
The first stage refers to managers and employees becoming aware of the challenges their…