Charlie Gullström - What is new, today, is that it has become possible to populate these architectural extensions; to…
Charlie Gullström - Turning, then, to the designers of such hybrid spatial montage, we may observe how different…
Eva Cabrera Escribano - F
Eva Cabrera Escribano -
Eva Cabrera Escribano -
Tomás Martín González - hi I'm Tomás, from Valladolid. I study Industrial Engineer in ParisTech.
Radka Simandlova - How inspiration by Bio-Mimicry helped us to upgrade our design project
Hemal - Questions that our group faced with regard to concept of Parent and child, or young and old bonding.
Laure Ménissier - Focusing on the idea of attracting people, we wondered to what extent could nature inspire our…
German Marín - The three main concerns about a public transport system
Hana Havlova - Our concern is a water management in Madrid - a town in Europe which suffers from drought. The…
Woidy Hammami - On Wednesday we went to interfaceflor, a company, which is producing carpits. After a short…
Woidy Hammami - 1. How you are going to integrate the workplace with the playground? Its near the office. It may…
Katarina Gyoreova - Biomimicry is a design discipline that seeks sustainable solutions by emulating nature’s time
Katarina Gyoreova - wasting/buying/shopping
Alexandre Doridot - This is a first version of our final design project.
Alexandre Doridot - This week, our Presence Design project deals with wasting food issue. In the first day, we had to…
Alice Berger - integrate biomimicry in a sustainable solution
Alice Berger - behaviours of some social animals in front of danger
Alice Berger - food waste fridge supermarket