Music is often used to create atmosphere. It colors our surroundings, often plays in the background…
Yet they all make use of posters, flyers, a website and advertising in order to appeal to their…
Just like it isn’t strange go to an exclusive opera when you’re not a rich person. These are…
We are now completely free to opt for whatever we like, without taking other people’s expectations…
Even the most wonderful music can be done without.
His decisions will always be tentative. With an abundance of musical offerings there is little time…
The public wants to be assured of a good experience. The margin for surprises becomes as small as…
In such a case you go by the reviews. Or you pick something with a nice poster. Or you base…
We are free to examine such pieces by attending an endless variety of venues, galleries and concert…
It’s no different with music. Every genre or subculture has its own stage. Separate from the rest.
Besides, every little piece of time has its own label: work, social, recreation, self-improvement
The acoustics are perfect. Temperature and moisture exactly in balance to make sure the piano stays…
In a concert, sound merges with time. The music relates nothing but its own sound. It isn’t at the…
How to engage with impulses that can’t go any faster than they are coming.
Taking one’s time is no luxury, but indispensable to keeping track of reality. In this world
Intuition can easily be manipulated. Politics and commerce make use of fleeting, one-sided imagery
A superficial multitude is completely different from an experience that arises from engagement. It…
Attention requires time.
A daily edition of a newspaper includes more information than a person would have come across in…
We distance ourselves. The world is tangibly close, but we ourselves draw back.....
This is something that can be learned. You become more adept at screening things superficially and…
You can step right into the centre of important events.
You will never be able to see everything, so you learn to wander around a bit in different worlds…
Our knowledge and experience are able to grow as long as we remain receptive, and as long as we can…