Information, entertainment and beauty can be accessed instantly and effortlessly. Using an Internet…
Jorge Sanchez, Ana Fernandez, Markus Zöchbauer - Need of a system Need of a protocol Need of control
Alessio Contini - What if we were able to store the energy contained in those vital yells that kids constantly emit…
In this set you cand find some of the lectures than experts have showed to us. Really interesting.
Franziska Scheuermann - BioMimicry, Mission Zero
Palantas Panagiotis - Problems as an insiration for better solution
Rita Franca - The whole group made an interesting exercise which promoted the interaction between the fields…
My work in delft
Jorge Sanchez - No footprint production
Rita Franca - The necessity to create not only sustainable and ecological designs but also more efficient…
1. How do I design Human Presence in a smart-grid? 2. How do I design Life in a smart-grid? 3. How…
Welcome to the study, research and publication environment of the EU Athens Program "Presence…
Such a normal thing with it's normal problems. So how we could make life better and support our…