Zoro Feigl - It is like I have heard each member of the choir sing and know their capabilities but am never to…
Zoro Feigl - The Russian art and activism group Chto delat/What is to be done? approached me soon after they…
Debra Solomon - A journalist friend of mine once told me, if you want folks to pay extra attention to what you have…
Debra Solomon - On the western edge of Amsterdam is a living example of rural fantasy, a stone’s throw from densely…
Debra Solomon - On the way home from some meetings to possible collaboration with local groups on landscaping…
Zoro Feigl - The more you take control as an artist, the more you can send or guide the experience. Without a…
Zoro Feigl - The viewers often don’t want to interrupt each other’s view. Which creates a funny situation when…
Zoro Feigl - The container functions as a symbol for globalization and freedom of transport, while the people…
Foto's voorstudie
Debra Solomon - The lesson is to create a platform for mutual expertise.
Zoro Feigl - These containers are meant for cargo, not for people. In the container a light bulb was hanging on…
Debra Solomon - Is it possible to correct the notion that occupation and use of the public space is not an act of…
When discussing the idea of witnessed presence in media governance structures the idea of…
Debra Solomon - I have a folder on my computer filled with screenshots that I take whilst skyping my folks. In the…
CN: You have done exquisite research on entrepreneurs in Asia and Europe, people who work in small…
In Upadhya’s research many people commented about the fact that there is a lot of reaching out in…