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1. Brazier, F. M. T. and van der Veer, Gerrit. (2009). Interactive distributed and networked…
Frances Brazier, Caroline Nevejan - Time is an important aspect of interaction; it is the beholder of trust. This paper addresses the…
Frances Brazier, Caroline Nevejan - The above research on the design of trust in human collaboration in merging realities indicates the…
Frances Brazier, Caroline Nevejan - This section discusses rhythm as a source for collaboration in ‘communities of systems and people’.
Frances Brazier, Caroline Nevejan - Tuning of presence between people in real life and in merging realities is crucial to trust. To be…
Frances Brazier, Caroline Nevejan - Duration is a word that refers to a period of time. Duration is a quality that defines how cultures…
Frances Brazier, Caroline Nevejan - The ongoing exploratory qualitative study ‘Witnessed Presence and Systems Engineering’ focuses on…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - For centuries sharing time and place was essential to social interaction and witnessing. Yet in…
Caroline Nevejan, Frances Brazier - Multi-agent systems are most often designed for a purpose, to perform one or more tasks, to achieve…
Frances Brazier, Caroline Nevejan - Multi-agent systems are most often designed for a purpose, to perform one or more tasks, to achieve…
Multi-agent systems are most often designed for a purpose, to perform one or more tasks, to achieve…
Ino Paap - Hier typ ik de introductie van mijn eigen text
Frances Brazier, Gerrit van der Veer - Interactive distributed and networked autonomous systems: delegation or participation Networks of…
Call for Papers: AI & Society, Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication, will make a special…
Zoro Feigl - In the basement of the Rietveld there was a room, which I used as a studio for a while. The only…
Zoro Feigl - Time plays another role in the work, though in a less noticeable way. My work wears quickly. It…
Zoro Feigl - I had this fantasy as a kid about low-tech time traveling. A simple plan that could give at least…
Zoro Feigl - When things change slightly every revolution it is not really a loop. It becomes a pattern of…
Zoro Feigl - In 2005 we wandered trough an old deserted sanatorium in the woods of Brandenburg, in Germany. This…
In October 2010 a special issue on witnessed presence of AI & Society will appear. For details see…